I had orientation for a new job and I missed it! FUG! I caught the last minute when they were at the bar. Although, I am reading A LOT about it on various blogs and the comments are pretty much the same...the gay people are not going to miss it and the ones who do like it, apologize for liking it.
Fuck that. If you like sitcoms, it was a good sitcom, I think people just put to much emphasis that it was "gay" sitcom and then of course the gay people had to over analyze it and say it was too gay or not gay enough, it's supposed to make you laugh...it's a sitcom, not a PBS documentary on gay life in America. I thought it got better over the years, the characters became deeper, their lives more involved...yet you still got to laugh. It's hard for me to watch the first season when Grace AND Will had big hair, they seemed bland and witout substance. Granted, it's not a movie of the week, but I think the later years were better as far as story lines were involved. Is it me or are gay people never happy? They wanted to be represented and when they are, they're not happy with the represenation because everyone has an opinion on what being "gay" is. I'm not
gay, I'm
me. I happen to be a
person who is gay, but that's not who or what I'm all about, it doesn't define me and it's sad if it defines you because there is so much out there in the world to know and to learn and to experinece. Can't people just have fun anymore? Can't we just laugh...whether the characters or gay or straight or black or white or spotted? That's what a sitcom is for, I love sitcoms (I can hear the collective gay intellectuals gasp and clutch their chest now) but I do, why? Because you don't have to think, you don't have to analyze or have the content be thought provoking. After a hard days work or a day or night of studying until you can phycially hear your brain sizzle, isn't that what a sitcom shoudl be? Just to laugh and let you forget about work, school, family etc. I mean that's why I like them, they make me laugh and it's typical and simple and just exactly what I sometimes need. As for W&G, I thought it was a bit more than that sometimes but all in all, it's a sitcom people. I look forward to seeing the whole thing when it comes out on DVD. As you know I rarely rant on this blog (it's more for quick blurbs and pretty men:-) but I just couldn't keep quiet about all the gay people slamming W&G and turning it into yet another gay "cause". ;-)