loving you that a folly
ti's very folly when i think about it with logic
because i feeling it alone
loving you is a valuable lesson for me
because taught me how to laugh, cry, and angry because of love
taught me to fixed stand rigid to fight for love i want
and loving you make me know what is loving with honest
21 agust 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
love I
when life offer me love
and i accept it
it's because i'm ready to fight
to hurt
and to cry because of love
love teach me a variety of feel
from happy to pain
teach me to laugh
but also taught me to cry
until my tears can't shed
in that moment is where my heart felt so pain
love make me understand what that strunggle
make me understand what it pain
and finally taught me to be rigid
to be tough woman will find her true love on a great man
21 july 2010
and i accept it
it's because i'm ready to fight
to hurt
and to cry because of love
love teach me a variety of feel
from happy to pain
teach me to laugh
but also taught me to cry
until my tears can't shed
in that moment is where my heart felt so pain
love make me understand what that strunggle
make me understand what it pain
and finally taught me to be rigid
to be tough woman will find her true love on a great man
21 july 2010
Carmageddon: TDR 2000

In Carmageddon: TDR 2000 there isn't much of a storyline, the intro explains that the rich have build tightly secured police cities which are sealed off from the rest of the world, in which they have gathered people in beginning of the New Millenium. The rich took everyone except for the poor and filthy in the city(as perceived by the rich), after that they nuke the former cities, killing millions. But the people outside Paradise(the places ruled by the cops and the rich) weren't defeated yet and were growing in numbers each day, even though they were no longer classed as humans due to mutations. In this rubble you'll attempt to make it into Paradise, something that no-one was able to do before. Throughout the game you'll visit various cities that still inhabit people and your task is to get out of those cities seeing as they're tightly sealed of as well, to keep the murderers and pillagers out. Throughout the missions you complete you'll realise that the cops still meddle with the cities outside of Paradise, because they smuggle and sell various goods and also offer services to local gangs that have filled the absence of the government.
Carmageddon: TDR 2000 is a racing game in which you have three ways of winning, either by taking out the opponents, winning the race or killing all pedestrians. All across the map are powerups that can both help but disadvantage you as well. There are two basic icons for powerups, I'll define them by color since that's the easiest. Red will grant you weapons and turbo's, yellow changes something in the environment, which can be positive but negative as well. Green gives you money(or credits), with which you can buy other cars or upgrade your motor in the shop, which makes the game a lot easier. In some levels you'll be able to pick up nuclear bombs, even when there isn't a mission that requires you to blow something up. There are also powerups that appear as red triangles, but the powerups you get from them are selected at random, as far as I can tell. As you progress through the game you'll unlock more cars(which still need to be bought, using credits) and tracks, most tracks give the player six missions, usually they involve blowing things up,a standard race or collecting things, the last one always requires the player to escape the town. The only exception to this format is the track called The Bridge, which is the level before the last level, this level requires the player to cross a bridge whilst evading mines and opponents. Pretty much everything thing you do within a race or a mission grants you money, from killing pedestrians to blowing up opponents. The opponents also have AI in this game, which means that they assign tasks to themselves, such as finding money, killing pedestrians, killing you and driving through check-points. So if you happen to get an opponent aggravated, it's quite possible that he's going to have a fight to death with you. There are also non-opponent enemies in the game, such as gang-vehicles and cops, who will often attack you on sight. Gang members that walk around on foot will also harass any racing cars that come by, by throwing Molotov cocktails and trashing cars using iron bars.
The graphics of this game are great compared to other games released in 2000. Other games released in the year 2000 tend to be quite blocky and grayish, whilst in Carmageddon: TDR 2000 this is kept to a minimum. It's not realistic in anyway but the most objects and terrains are quite detailed. The special effects like blood and explosions are nice as well, if you hit a pedestrian full on whilst driving extremely fast, you see the blood and intestines flying everywhere, and of course his limbs. Every city has it's own feeling to it, some feel more post-apocalyptic, others more deserted an so on.
The sound in Carmageddon: TDR 2000 is pretty good as well, although most sound effects sound like they've been taken from movies, for example the explosion sound very standard, just like most other sound effects. The tracks in this game are great, the upbeat rock-songs really fit the game like a glove. Sadly, there are only a few songs or the other songs in the game simply aren't memorable, but the few that are there are really fun to listen to.
So, to conclude this review, this game is great and you should really play it, when you have the chance. Beware though, most newer operating systems have trouble running this video game, but if you're still running XP you'll be fine. The game's definitely worth checking out, even after all these years, the fun it provides is timeless.
So, to conclude this review, this game is great and you should really play it, when you have the chance. Beware though, most newer operating systems have trouble running this video game, but if you're still running XP you'll be fine. The game's definitely worth checking out, even after all these years, the fun it provides is timeless.
Fortune: Divine science of politics and an "independant statesman"
"What is to become of an independent statesman, one will will bow the knee to no idol, who will worship nothing as a divinity but truth, virtue, and his country? I will tell you; he will be regarded more by posterity than those who worship hounds and horses; and although he will not make his own fortune, he will make the fortune of his country." - John Adams
5000 year leap quotes John Adam on p.63...
When I read this it struck me as so poignant and relevant to today's world. Perhaps here is the standard by which we should be selecting our political leadership, even though it is a high bar.
Perhaps, this thought is at the root of "Restoring Honor" to our electorate.
5000 year leap quotes John Adam on p.63...
When I read this it struck me as so poignant and relevant to today's world. Perhaps here is the standard by which we should be selecting our political leadership, even though it is a high bar.
Perhaps, this thought is at the root of "Restoring Honor" to our electorate.
Daily Thoughts 8/31/2010 (Acquisitions Web, Trustees )
19th-century painting representing Alexander I's visit to the Russian National Library on January 2, 1812.
Daily Thoughts 8/31/2010
Today has been another steady day. I worked on a bookmark for starting a business with a list of recommended book titles. I am also thinking about doing another one which points to different web sites for business. I also looked around a little more in the storage stacks. I still have to look at our electronic ordering.
http://www.libraryjournal.com/lj/home/886292-264/every_reader_a_reviewer_the.html.csp An article from Library Journal on how reviews have spilled out of the professional journals to all over the web.
I found the new website for Acquisitions Web which is a resource site for acquisitions and collection development librarians. It has a lot of useful information on the site. The site is designed in Drupal which is an open source content management system. http://www.acqweb.org/
I read a little bit more of Common As Air. It is a very philosophical book. The author is very focused on ideas.
My library is seeking two trustees. I am hoping the board chooses someone with strong fundraising skills, a sense of customer service, and strong ties with the local arts community. The address to apply is in the briefing. http://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=20108240337
I added the month of June to my list of book reviews. I am thinking of what comes after this.
Daily Thoughts 8/31/2010
Today has been another steady day. I worked on a bookmark for starting a business with a list of recommended book titles. I am also thinking about doing another one which points to different web sites for business. I also looked around a little more in the storage stacks. I still have to look at our electronic ordering.
http://www.libraryjournal.com/lj/home/886292-264/every_reader_a_reviewer_the.html.csp An article from Library Journal on how reviews have spilled out of the professional journals to all over the web.
I found the new website for Acquisitions Web which is a resource site for acquisitions and collection development librarians. It has a lot of useful information on the site. The site is designed in Drupal which is an open source content management system. http://www.acqweb.org/
I read a little bit more of Common As Air. It is a very philosophical book. The author is very focused on ideas.
My library is seeking two trustees. I am hoping the board chooses someone with strong fundraising skills, a sense of customer service, and strong ties with the local arts community. The address to apply is in the briefing. http://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=20108240337
I added the month of June to my list of book reviews. I am thinking of what comes after this.
A Dog Challenge
How can I resist challenges like last month's one on James Parker's Windows to the Words blog? Especially when it involves DOGS!
This is a beautiful dog owned by Laura Rowe. Unfortunately I don't have her details or a blog address for her, or the name of this beautiful dog, but she did one of my Katie in return.
Laura Rowe's Dog
Monday, August 30, 2010
Weekend with the Belgians
The three days spent at Lisa’s place in Sandviken this weekend was nothing else but trés trés bien. Not only did I get to meet some really cool and super sweet Belgian guys (and cute Denise from Amsterdam of course), but also, I learned how to eat crayfish, go canoeing, and sleep in a round bed for the first time. - And now I don’t include all the other great things we managed to squeeze in during those three days. My friend Lisa should be so proud of herself for being the ultimate hostess this weekend, because thanks to her I now have some new memories for life. ;)
Amigo and Stephan
Daily Thoughts 8/30/2010 (the Facebook Era, Tragedy of the Commons )
Drawing of Elizabeth Siddal, June 1854, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Public Domain, From Wikimedia
Daily Thoughts 8/30/2010
On the train to work, I finished reading the Facebook Era which of course is on Facebook under http://www.facebook.com/thefacebookera . I also started reading Common As Air. The main focus is on intellectual property and what is in the commons for everyone to use freely. This is a very interesting topic because it touches on genetic maps, seed crop genomes, media, law, fair use, and copyright. On the way home, I read some more. He describes the feudal commons in England. It is a very different interpretation of the history of the commons than what you might read in the seminal essay, The Tragedy of the Commons by Garrett Hardin http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/162/3859/1243 .
Another book came in for me to read today, Self Esteem, A Proven Program of Cognitive Techniques for Assessing, Improving, and Maintaining Your Self Esteem by Matthew McKay, Ph.D. and Patrick Fanning.
Today has been a day to write reports. I am writing something on shelving materials, preparing some material for the monthly report, and making some suggestions about a vendor.
I also did a little bit more looking around in the storage area. I like going downstairs sometimes to look at the old books. Books catch your eye like Waverly by Sir Walter Scott or Jurgen by James Branch Cabell. It is satisfying handling older material. I also sat down with a colleague and looked at some of the old black and white photographs of our building in the local history room, the reading room in 1909, the reference desk in 1938, the technical service area in 1975. In November it will be the anniversary of our library.
I decided to finally break down and bought a domain name. I bought http://www.bookcalendar.net/ It should go into effect soon. It will be a process to include metatags in my next submission to search engines. I want to confirm the difference between having my own domain and not having my own domain. I also want to have a chance to add some stronger meta tags.
Daily Thoughts 8/30/2010
On the train to work, I finished reading the Facebook Era which of course is on Facebook under http://www.facebook.com/thefacebookera . I also started reading Common As Air. The main focus is on intellectual property and what is in the commons for everyone to use freely. This is a very interesting topic because it touches on genetic maps, seed crop genomes, media, law, fair use, and copyright. On the way home, I read some more. He describes the feudal commons in England. It is a very different interpretation of the history of the commons than what you might read in the seminal essay, The Tragedy of the Commons by Garrett Hardin http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/162/3859/1243 .
Another book came in for me to read today, Self Esteem, A Proven Program of Cognitive Techniques for Assessing, Improving, and Maintaining Your Self Esteem by Matthew McKay, Ph.D. and Patrick Fanning.
Today has been a day to write reports. I am writing something on shelving materials, preparing some material for the monthly report, and making some suggestions about a vendor.
I also did a little bit more looking around in the storage area. I like going downstairs sometimes to look at the old books. Books catch your eye like Waverly by Sir Walter Scott or Jurgen by James Branch Cabell. It is satisfying handling older material. I also sat down with a colleague and looked at some of the old black and white photographs of our building in the local history room, the reading room in 1909, the reference desk in 1938, the technical service area in 1975. In November it will be the anniversary of our library.
I decided to finally break down and bought a domain name. I bought http://www.bookcalendar.net/ It should go into effect soon. It will be a process to include metatags in my next submission to search engines. I want to confirm the difference between having my own domain and not having my own domain. I also want to have a chance to add some stronger meta tags.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The world's longest traffic jam :o
Highways are suppose to be the quickest way of getting somewhere, but sometimes that’s just not the case. When any highway in Malaysia turns into a traffic jam, I am used to hearing the “whaaaat!? Are you kidding me? :o”, however, those 40 min of waiting is nothing compared to the traffic chaos in China that has been going on for 240 hours now.
Sitting in a traffic jam that stretches all the way from Beijing to inner Mongolia, while moving 500 m per day isn’t really a position you’d want to put yourself in. So, people out there that often get stuck in 40 min traffic jams - please remember that it could have been worse! ^^
Sitting in a traffic jam that stretches all the way from Beijing to inner Mongolia, while moving 500 m per day isn’t really a position you’d want to put yourself in. So, people out there that often get stuck in 40 min traffic jams - please remember that it could have been worse! ^^

Bring On The Books For Everybody How Literary Culture Becomes Popular Culture by Jim Collins
Bring On The Books For Everybody How Literary Culture Becomes Popular Culture by Jim Collins.
Jim Collins is a professor at the University of Notre Dame. This book is published by Duke University Press in 2010. Jim Collins is writing for a popular audience. The word choice is quite interesting and wonderful. He uses terms like lit-lit, bibliotherapy, adaptation film, and superstore. There is melding of the academic with the popular. Jim Collins easily moves between subjects like Ladies Home Journal and modernist literature. The juxtapositions are striking.
The writing is at times funny, ironic, and witty. The author is describing how literature is transformed into a popular medium and taken out of the academy. He describes adaptation films (films adapted from literary works,), the New York Times Book Review, Oprah's Book Club, and chick lit.
Jim Collins explains how literature is treated as both a form of self cultivation and self actualization. Many people read the classics to be better people. We get a of an Oprah Winfrey episode of television where Oprah encourages people to read Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, the classic Russian novel. It is at times appalling, fascinating, and poignant.
I espcially liked his sections on books to film. Two of the books which he spends quite a bit of time on are The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje and The Hours by Michael Cunningham both of which were turned into excellent films.
Jim Collins is describing the packaging of books into a complete line of products; books, films, furniture, and other products. Books become a brand unto themselves. This is an article that explains the phenomenon with the book, Eat Pray Love. http://www.mercurynews.com/fashion-style-headlines/ci_15797294?nclick_check=1
Classic literature becomes swept up in the process as well. Shakespeare becomes books like Shakespeare In Love and Jane Austen becomes The Jane Austen Book Club. This marketing is exploited by companies like Target, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other super shopping sites. Henry James and other writers become commodities.
I am not completely comfortable with this. I find some of it goes too far. For example, books like The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger are clear attempts at romantic consumerism; a mix of buying the right stuff, sex, and relationships. Sex and the City for literature.
This is a very interesting book. It is quite topical for librarians, booksellers, and people interested in books. It even mentions Nancy Perl and her segment on books on National Public Radio. The book is well indexed and has an extensive bibliography. I highly recommend reading this book.
book reviews,
bring on the books for everybody,
dorchester publishing,
jim collins,
Bob Out turns 1 today!
Today marks the 1 year anniversary of Bob Out! I would like to thank each and every one of the 4,138 visitors who have stopped by throughout the year. I especially love all of you who comment and give your opinions.
I have enjoyed getting to know you guys more personally through reading your blogs, chatting, emailing and Facebook. You guys are AWESOME! I even met my future husband through reading blogs, Bo from Bo's Bowl. Hey Bo, How U Doin!(hehe j/k)
I have enjoyed getting to know you guys more personally through reading your blogs, chatting, emailing and Facebook. You guys are AWESOME! I even met my future husband through reading blogs, Bo from Bo's Bowl. Hey Bo, How U Doin!(hehe j/k)
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Bob Out
Daily Thoughts 8/29/2010 (The Facebook Era, The Oxford English Dictionary )
Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) studying the cycloid, engraved on the tablet he is holding in his left hand; the scattered papers at his feet are his Pensées, the open book his Lettres provinciales. Exhibited at the Salon of 1785; the plaster model was exhibited at the Salon of 1781, Louvre, PublicDomain, From Wikimedia
Daily Thoughts 8/29/2010
I read another chapter in the Facebook Era by Clara Shih. She was writing about social media as a recruiting tool for business. Businesses are looking for candidates through Facebook, Linkedin, Ryze, and other networks. If you are a recruiter who is interested in the social media side of recruiting, there is http://www.ere.net/ Electronic Recruiting Exchange network which has a very nice set of articles on the subject. They also have a national conference every year. I still get invites to it, even though I haven't been in recruiting for many years.
I think I might be working on some bookmarks and a flyer next week for small business books. We are having a five session long program on entrepreneurship in September presented by the Womens Enterprise Development Center, the mayor is doing a small business expo part of it is going to be held at the library, and we have been purchasing quite a bit of material on small business lately. Plus it coincides with my own interests.
I added some more book reviews from August 2009 to my book review list. This is a steady long term project.
The Oxford English Dictionary is moving online only. The last time I used this was to find the etymology of some words for someone. It is not very practical for modern usage. I can understand why it is going online. Still, I think it should be available through print on demand for a considerable fee if someone wants it. http://www.nwcn.com/news/Oxford-English-Dictionary-may-be-going-online-101756313.html
Daily Thoughts 8/29/2010
I read another chapter in the Facebook Era by Clara Shih. She was writing about social media as a recruiting tool for business. Businesses are looking for candidates through Facebook, Linkedin, Ryze, and other networks. If you are a recruiter who is interested in the social media side of recruiting, there is http://www.ere.net/ Electronic Recruiting Exchange network which has a very nice set of articles on the subject. They also have a national conference every year. I still get invites to it, even though I haven't been in recruiting for many years.
I think I might be working on some bookmarks and a flyer next week for small business books. We are having a five session long program on entrepreneurship in September presented by the Womens Enterprise Development Center, the mayor is doing a small business expo part of it is going to be held at the library, and we have been purchasing quite a bit of material on small business lately. Plus it coincides with my own interests.
I added some more book reviews from August 2009 to my book review list. This is a steady long term project.
The Oxford English Dictionary is moving online only. The last time I used this was to find the etymology of some words for someone. It is not very practical for modern usage. I can understand why it is going online. Still, I think it should be available through print on demand for a considerable fee if someone wants it. http://www.nwcn.com/news/Oxford-English-Dictionary-may-be-going-online-101756313.html
new link ! :) aku sukaa banget sama link baru buat blog kuu . lebih mengarah ke life story ku yang aku ceritain ke blog ini . kalo link yang lama kan cuma .. apa yaa :/ yaa gitu deeh xD . ooh yaa, karena besok adalah Senin jadi hari ini aku sibukk ==' . sibuk nyiapin buat besok acara rekoleksi di skola . berhubung aku sekertaris jadi gini deh . aku juga singer, jadi harus ngapalin lirik lagu nya, hahaha . jujur ajaa, aku kurang tertarik sama tema buat rekoleksi taun ini yaitu, Budi Pekerti . lebih menarik yang taun lalu kaleee ! taun lalu temanya : PACARAN menurut Kristen . wkakaka . kalian pilih, menarik mana ? :p . kebanyakan orang pasti milih tema yang taun lalu, haha . #jujurjujuran
bloggers .. aku ngerasa pengen cepet-cepet SMA, kenapa ya ? padahal kalo aku SMA bakal sengsara banget ! selain karena tugas yang so pasti tambah banyak, aku harus nge kost *ngapa-ngapain sendiri x( * teruus, harus jauh sama _____ . nggak mungkin kan kalo aku pulang seminggu sekali ? apa lagi setelah punya temen di Surabaya sana dengan pergaulan yang udah beda pula, pasti malem minggu di manfaatin buat jalan-jalan bareng . nggak mungkin banget kalo aku pulang ke Bojonegoro . tapi kalo ga pulang, berarti .. BENCANA KANGEN MELANDAAA ! T_____________T
az, sudahlah off dulu saja . hampir nangis nulis ini . daripada nangis beneran, #brb off aja .
bloggers .. aku ngerasa pengen cepet-cepet SMA, kenapa ya ? padahal kalo aku SMA bakal sengsara banget ! selain karena tugas yang so pasti tambah banyak, aku harus nge kost *ngapa-ngapain sendiri x( * teruus, harus jauh sama _____ . nggak mungkin kan kalo aku pulang seminggu sekali ? apa lagi setelah punya temen di Surabaya sana dengan pergaulan yang udah beda pula, pasti malem minggu di manfaatin buat jalan-jalan bareng . nggak mungkin banget kalo aku pulang ke Bojonegoro . tapi kalo ga pulang, berarti .. BENCANA KANGEN MELANDAAA ! T_____________T
az, sudahlah off dulu saja . hampir nangis nulis ini . daripada nangis beneran, #brb off aja .
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Remembering the dream
On this date 47 years ago Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous "I have a dream" speech.
It's still as powerful and moving today. Our country has come a long way since then but we still have a long way to go. I still believe in the dream. One day we will have equal rights for ALL people.
Bob Out
It's still as powerful and moving today. Our country has come a long way since then but we still have a long way to go. I still believe in the dream. One day we will have equal rights for ALL people.
Bob Out
haha :D
yeah ! tadi, anak-anak 9AFATAR ngerjain soal-soal tes ICAS MATH . *tolong jangan tanya kita bisa atau tidak* . soal nya SUSAH SANGAT ! mana aku ga belajar sama sekali pula, wkwkwk *orang ga belajar gimana mau bisa (?) . pas buka soalnya, langsung kaget . dengan ekspresi mata membelalak, mulut terbuka, okay ekspresi ga jelas . dengan seluruh kemampuan yang aku punya *ciee* , aku muter otak biar minimal bisa lah dapet jawabannya . paling enggak jawabannya mendekati . soalnya itu jumlahnya 35 biji doang . kita ngerjain dalam waktu 1 jam . kalo ulangan tengah semester ato ulangan akhir semester sih udah selese sebelum 1 jam *gaya banget gue [ tapi emang kenyataan XD ] . lah soal-soal ini, yang pilihan ganda 30, yang essay 5 soal . tapi bahasanya english --z . jadi, kita ngerjain soal begituan harus makan waktu lebih dari 1 jam . tapi kalo udah kepepet ya ga bisa, terpaksa harus pilih jawabannya pake ngitung kancing seragam . tadi aku ada yang bisa ada yang enggak . itupun ga tau jawabannya bener apa ga . yaaaaaaaaah, akhirnya dengan ke-pasrah-an aku ngumpulin kertas jawaban n soal nya . sebenernya kurang tau juga buat apa tes itu di adain . katanya, buat nilai apa kita layak jadi murid SBI . nah, setelah tau kalo soal-soalnya kayak gitu 1 pertanyaan yang terngiang-ngiang :
" kalo ternyata hasilnya jelek semua, berarti kita enggak layak dong ? kalo enggak layak gimana ? "
itu dia pertanyaannya . kalo ternyata sekolahku di vonis ga layak jadi sekolah SBI, kita mau di buang kemana coba ? ckckck . tapi sebenernya kalo di nyatain enggak layak juga gpp sih, toh gelarnya doang yang SBI, tp pendidikan di dalemnya ya sama aja . ; hoeh . percuma juga sekolah di sini yang isinya duitduitduit mulu . semuanya di ukur dengan DUWIT ! dikit-dikit sumbangan, kolekte, haeeehh ==' ga penting BANGET, tau ! dan karena 9AFATAR sudah merasakan itu, kita akhirnya sepakat menyebut sekolah kita sendiri dengan :SBI = Sekolah Banyak Iuran
yak, cocok sekali kan ? siapa tau abis di nyatain ga layak jadi SBI, usulan nama ini bisa di pake, hihi .smooch :*
Daily Thoughts 8/28/2010 (metatags)
Open Book with Victorian Border and Blank Page , Quin, Liam: “Pictures of old books” (2003)
Daily Thoughts 8/28/2010
I have been going back and pulling my old reviews and slowly adding them to my book review list. I finished adding September of 2009 today. Each day I will do a little bit until I am done. I found out I am listed in a blog search engine called http://www.tamazu.com/ It is giving me a lot of traffic from their literature section.
I did not get a huge amount of reading done today. I made a few adjustments to this blog. I added some metatags which were not there before after the header using Google Adwords to pick out the right words. I also watched The Bourne Ultimate on dvd. This was a book by Robert Ludlum before it was a movie. Robert Ludlum's books are very popular. It reminds me a little bit of James Bond except for without all the gadgets and silliness. It was fun to watch. I have also been watching the Star Wars Clone Wars cgi cartoon which I am finding enjoyable as well. People who read a lot also tend to watch a lot of media. There is a term that is now part of the library profession called visual literacy.
Joe Wikert on his Linked In feed mentioned a book coming out on Kindle in September called I Live in the Future and here's how it works by Nick Bilton. It looks fascinating.
Daily Thoughts 8/28/2010
I have been going back and pulling my old reviews and slowly adding them to my book review list. I finished adding September of 2009 today. Each day I will do a little bit until I am done. I found out I am listed in a blog search engine called http://www.tamazu.com/ It is giving me a lot of traffic from their literature section.
I did not get a huge amount of reading done today. I made a few adjustments to this blog. I added some metatags which were not there before after the header using Google Adwords to pick out the right words. I also watched The Bourne Ultimate on dvd. This was a book by Robert Ludlum before it was a movie. Robert Ludlum's books are very popular. It reminds me a little bit of James Bond except for without all the gadgets and silliness. It was fun to watch. I have also been watching the Star Wars Clone Wars cgi cartoon which I am finding enjoyable as well. People who read a lot also tend to watch a lot of media. There is a term that is now part of the library profession called visual literacy.
Joe Wikert on his Linked In feed mentioned a book coming out on Kindle in September called I Live in the Future and here's how it works by Nick Bilton. It looks fascinating.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Daily Thoughts 8/27/2010 (online classes, publishers weekly)
nisse writing
Daily Thoughts 8/27/2010
I read some more of the Facebook Era on the train to work. It is describing how to use social networks as a way for businesses to manage their customer relations. The main focus right now is how sales people can qualify leads and prepare better presentations before calling people.
This morning, I did some more spot checking of the shelving sections from which I am ordering for damaged material, orderliness, and other things. I also checked the storage area to see that it was in order and spent some time talking about shelving. I also checked the displays to make sure they were in order. We try and display material that can be checked out. This increases our circulation. We have been trying different ways to increase circulation. We are starting to list items in our catalog as on order so more people will place our books on hold.
We are also putting the September Is National Library Card Month public service announcement on our website.
I have been reading the latest issues of Publishers Weekly. There are a lot more novelists who are writing for graphic novels now. Two graphic novels that were highlighted were The Night Bookmobile by Audrey Nigffenegger and The Exile: An Outlander Graphic Novel by Diana Gabaldon. Another book which caught my attention was The Box: Tales From the Darkroom by Guntner Grass. This looks like it will be an excellent collection of short stories. Another book which caught my attention was Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution by Sara Marcus. This should be interesting. The author is a Brooklyn author plus there is a connection to graphic novels and rock music. There also was a release of Jorge Luis Borges On Writing in June of 2010 by Penguin. We have a 1973 edition of Borges on Writing which should be very similar.
The book Common As Air Revolution, Art, and Ownership by Lewis Hyde has come in for me to read. He is talking about the cultural commons. Looking in the index, he does mention copyright and creative commons which are two reading interests of mine.
I registered for the October Fundamentals of Acquisitions class from ALCTS. Hopefully, it should be useful, it is my third online class this year. I took Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management and Readers Advisory 101 both of which were very good.
Daily Thoughts 8/27/2010
I read some more of the Facebook Era on the train to work. It is describing how to use social networks as a way for businesses to manage their customer relations. The main focus right now is how sales people can qualify leads and prepare better presentations before calling people.
This morning, I did some more spot checking of the shelving sections from which I am ordering for damaged material, orderliness, and other things. I also checked the storage area to see that it was in order and spent some time talking about shelving. I also checked the displays to make sure they were in order. We try and display material that can be checked out. This increases our circulation. We have been trying different ways to increase circulation. We are starting to list items in our catalog as on order so more people will place our books on hold.
We are also putting the September Is National Library Card Month public service announcement on our website.
I have been reading the latest issues of Publishers Weekly. There are a lot more novelists who are writing for graphic novels now. Two graphic novels that were highlighted were The Night Bookmobile by Audrey Nigffenegger and The Exile: An Outlander Graphic Novel by Diana Gabaldon. Another book which caught my attention was The Box: Tales From the Darkroom by Guntner Grass. This looks like it will be an excellent collection of short stories. Another book which caught my attention was Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution by Sara Marcus. This should be interesting. The author is a Brooklyn author plus there is a connection to graphic novels and rock music. There also was a release of Jorge Luis Borges On Writing in June of 2010 by Penguin. We have a 1973 edition of Borges on Writing which should be very similar.
The book Common As Air Revolution, Art, and Ownership by Lewis Hyde has come in for me to read. He is talking about the cultural commons. Looking in the index, he does mention copyright and creative commons which are two reading interests of mine.
I registered for the October Fundamentals of Acquisitions class from ALCTS. Hopefully, it should be useful, it is my third online class this year. I took Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management and Readers Advisory 101 both of which were very good.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Paul & Frank(sexually explicit)
**DANGER Will Robinson this video contains sexual explicit material**
This is soooo funny to me. If i'm honest, it turns me on too :)'
Seriously, they aren't gay! Hehe
Bob Out
This is soooo funny to me. If i'm honest, it turns me on too :)'
Seriously, they aren't gay! Hehe
Bob Out
tutorial project
Tutorial ethics projects really dig my creative. but after discovering the ideas and produce something that is enough to make me satisfied. It symbolizes the first task of self-image and my life to the next image. makes me think about how I am now and I want to be like for the future later. that a nice projects.
masterpiece !!!
tutorial ethics project again !!! and finally i create a MICROPHONE. hehehehehe. not too good, but i'm very satisfied. i create it, because I want to be a host of important events. ("that's my dream!!")
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my tutor project |
Daily Thoughts 8/26/2010 ingram, the facebook era, acquisitions
KAST kast designed by Marcel Douwe Dekker in 1992: The KAST kast is a interior sculpture build with the letters K, A, S, T on their side (This picture was first published in Viva magazine The Netherlands, 18 sept 1992), Creative Commons Share Alike Attribution 3.0
Daily Thoughts 8/26/2010
It is interesting times again. My library is going to be open on Sundays for half a day instead of a full day Saturday. http://www.lohud.com/article/20100826/NEWS02/8260346/Yonkers--Mount-Vernon-public-libraries-may-remain-closed-on-Saturdays-in-fall
Today I talked to two other libraries about Ingram which is a distributor. People have used them for standing order plans and to get new books. Apparently, they have very fast turnaround time in delivering new material. It is something to consider. Ingram uses BISAC (Book Industry Standards and Communications) for their classification scheme which is what is used by the publishing industry and bookstores. Public libraries tend to use the Dewey Decimal classification scheme, and academic libraries in the United States use Library of Congress classification.
I also spent some time updating the Bookletters web page for recommended widgets, created a form for tracking missing items and made sure the new book displays were in order. Today went very smoothly.
I read a little more of the Facebook Era. The author is writing about how to create connections in networks like Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter.
I am considering taking the Fundamentals of Acquisitions Class in September. It is a four week course.
Daily Thoughts 8/26/2010
It is interesting times again. My library is going to be open on Sundays for half a day instead of a full day Saturday. http://www.lohud.com/article/20100826/NEWS02/8260346/Yonkers--Mount-Vernon-public-libraries-may-remain-closed-on-Saturdays-in-fall
Today I talked to two other libraries about Ingram which is a distributor. People have used them for standing order plans and to get new books. Apparently, they have very fast turnaround time in delivering new material. It is something to consider. Ingram uses BISAC (Book Industry Standards and Communications) for their classification scheme which is what is used by the publishing industry and bookstores. Public libraries tend to use the Dewey Decimal classification scheme, and academic libraries in the United States use Library of Congress classification.
I also spent some time updating the Bookletters web page for recommended widgets, created a form for tracking missing items and made sure the new book displays were in order. Today went very smoothly.
I read a little more of the Facebook Era. The author is writing about how to create connections in networks like Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter.
I am considering taking the Fundamentals of Acquisitions Class in September. It is a four week course.
the Facebook Era
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
hello bloggers ! long time no post .. hmm , I'm super duper hyper happy today xD you know why ? my blackberry case is on my hand noww ! yaay xD I love Sharon's way to design the case . It looks very cute ! check this out ..
isn't it cute ? hahha xD I love it sooo much ! hmm, maybe some of you don't believe about this bb case is mine or I picked it from google . haha . so I'll give you a link, just open it if you don't believe :) click here! . you can see the caption of the photo . it's originally MINE ! :D
now I'm just posting my entry in my blog and tweet-ing, haha. do you have a twitter account ? please follow me @qnzlalala yaa ;)
bloggers, I want to ask you somethin' . what do you think about From Paris to Eternity novel ? answer it from comments guys, thx :]
answer my question yaa guys :D
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my bb case <3 |
now I'm just posting my entry in my blog and tweet-ing, haha. do you have a twitter account ? please follow me @qnzlalala yaa ;)
bloggers, I want to ask you somethin' . what do you think about From Paris to Eternity novel ? answer it from comments guys, thx :]
Daily Thoughts 8/25/2010 (Bring On the Books For Everybody, the Facebook Era)
English: Interesting Story, 1898, Laura Muntz Lyall (1860-1930)
Daily Thoughts 8/25/2010
I have been reading more of Bring On The Books For Everybody. I like Jim Collins description of many of the newer womens novels being "romantic consumerism". It fits nearly perfectly with books like The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. He also uses another term postliterary novel for books like The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Jay Fowler which has a nice ring to it. He is showing how books and films are tied in knots together. I can see how shows like Sex and The City are a natural extension of modern "chick lit".
On the subway home, I finished reading Bring On The Books For Everybody. Jim Collins excerpts a paragraph from The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon in the final chapter of the book. It is about the "cemetery of forgotten books" one of my favorite places in literature. The author is challenging the idea of Fahrenheit 451 in the final chapter, offering us a vision of popular culture which combines literature with visual mediums like film and television. It is much closer to my own view of the future of books.
Today was another quiet day. We discussed vendors today. I am going to take a look at Ingram. Ingram has slightly better discounts than the other vendors for hardcover and paperback books. We also discussed how we are going to keep track of missing books. I spent quite a bit of time on the floor helping patrons with reference.
Last night was kind of interesting. I had to work on cleaning up a trojan on my machine. There were a lot of attacks on computers focused on companies spoofing other peoples machines and asking them to buy their antivirus software. The warning comes as a popup, then says your machine is not properly protected. I went through Computer Associates, Microsoft, and another company to get my machine back up. It took many hours to clean up. Microsoft had me use a company called Esoft to finally clean up my machine.
I also had a chance to read a bit of the Facebook Era. There is a concept which is introduced called the "online social graph" which is a map of all the people on the internet and how they are connected. Clara Shih reminds us that the internet is about people. In her view social and consumer networks are beginning to merge and old fashioned advertising is no longer working.
Daily Thoughts 8/25/2010
I have been reading more of Bring On The Books For Everybody. I like Jim Collins description of many of the newer womens novels being "romantic consumerism". It fits nearly perfectly with books like The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. He also uses another term postliterary novel for books like The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Jay Fowler which has a nice ring to it. He is showing how books and films are tied in knots together. I can see how shows like Sex and The City are a natural extension of modern "chick lit".
On the subway home, I finished reading Bring On The Books For Everybody. Jim Collins excerpts a paragraph from The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon in the final chapter of the book. It is about the "cemetery of forgotten books" one of my favorite places in literature. The author is challenging the idea of Fahrenheit 451 in the final chapter, offering us a vision of popular culture which combines literature with visual mediums like film and television. It is much closer to my own view of the future of books.
Today was another quiet day. We discussed vendors today. I am going to take a look at Ingram. Ingram has slightly better discounts than the other vendors for hardcover and paperback books. We also discussed how we are going to keep track of missing books. I spent quite a bit of time on the floor helping patrons with reference.
Last night was kind of interesting. I had to work on cleaning up a trojan on my machine. There were a lot of attacks on computers focused on companies spoofing other peoples machines and asking them to buy their antivirus software. The warning comes as a popup, then says your machine is not properly protected. I went through Computer Associates, Microsoft, and another company to get my machine back up. It took many hours to clean up. Microsoft had me use a company called Esoft to finally clean up my machine.
I also had a chance to read a bit of the Facebook Era. There is a concept which is introduced called the "online social graph" which is a map of all the people on the internet and how they are connected. Clara Shih reminds us that the internet is about people. In her view social and consumer networks are beginning to merge and old fashioned advertising is no longer working.
Hump Day Hunk(Marcus Patrick)
Happy Hump Day everyone!
Looking to these pics I think humping will stay on your mind all
day LONG...Enjoy!
Marcus Patrick
Is it hot in here?
Bob Out
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
dad, happy birthday !! hope you have a long life and always healthy. Live in God and gave all fortune. success in work and in becoming head of the family. make our small family, always cheerful, smiling family and living in the shelter of God. you are the best father I ever had in this world. Nobody better than you. I am happy and proud because God gave me a father who was always full of responsibility and love to the family as you dad. once again i say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I LOVE YOU DAD!!! :))
My sweet 18
Turning 18 should be a memorable day, but I never imagined it to be this memorable…
My morning started rather weird as I for the first time woke up in the couch after my midnight attempt of trying to finish Breaking Dawn (which I actually did, though :P), and then when I looked out the window - it was raining! It never rains on my birthday! :O OK, never mind I thought as I got into the shower, just to discover that there was no hot water! So after an icy shower I was quickly off to school.
Little did I know though that my precious friends had a surprise waiting for me after lunch…
My morning started rather weird as I for the first time woke up in the couch after my midnight attempt of trying to finish Breaking Dawn (which I actually did, though :P), and then when I looked out the window - it was raining! It never rains on my birthday! :O OK, never mind I thought as I got into the shower, just to discover that there was no hot water! So after an icy shower I was quickly off to school.
Little did I know though that my precious friends had a surprise waiting for me after lunch…
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