Saturday, September 27, 2008

Afternoon Thoughts, Evening Thoughts

Brer Rabbit as a London gentleman.

Afternoon Thoughts

I have to work this Saturday which is kind of hard after going to a conference. Wears you down a bit. I dumped all of my goodies on my desk this morning and went back to the grindstone of everyday work. I was too tired to read on the train this morning.

It was the usual start, replace old Code of Federal Regulations with new codes, order more annual reports, order more books on industries that are big in our area; construction, cleaning, nursing, medical billing, health service, child care, retail, and similar things. This is taking me a while to compile properly.

Then my Saturday partner called out sick so I ended up having to be in charge of the building, and fixing up the little things that pop up like the AARP driving course instructor showing up late, and someone tripping over a hole but luckily not hurting themselves. It was a run around the building like a jack rabbit day.

It has been quite hectic more than usual. I am on lunch right now. I am not leaving the building to go to lunch this time. No sitting at the corner table in the diner today and reading the newspaper. I am fueling up with coffee in the afternoon.

No writing reviews today. Maybe, I'll read some more on the train home. Sometimes you just have to rest and recharge your batteries or get a little battie.

Three books came in for me. The first is Writing & Personality Finding Your Voice, Your Style, Your Way by John K. DiTiberio & George H. Jensen. The second is The Predator State How Conservatives Abandoned The Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too by James K. Galbraith. The third book is Wordless Books The Original Graphic Novels by David A. Berona. There is an introduction by the graphic novelist Peter Kuper. The book is filled with beautiful woodcut illustrations.

Evening Thoughts

On the train home I read Wordless Books, The Original Graphic Novels by David A. Berona. The book is full of beautiful woodcuts taken out of often very stark wordless novels. Many of the wordless novels are set in the great depression during a period of labor unrest and often dark social conflict. The woodcuts seem to be a combination of black and white expressionist art and art deco style. This changes as you read further into the book. There are a variety of wordless novels that are humorous in nature filled with simple gags. These remind me a bit of Sergio Aragones silent humor strips in Mad magazine. The author of this book has a blog which is very academic oriented. I found out about this book from him,

Peter Kuper does an introduction to the book. Peter has written a number of books which are speechless. He even has a gallery of artwork from his book, Speechless . This is an art gallery tour of the book.

It is getting late. I will do what I usually do, write a review of the book in the laundromat. Actually, I might sit down and write it out.

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