Everybody can simply lend or swap books or help filling this weather-proof outdoor bookcase any time - since November 2005 five such open library cupboards were installed in Hanover by Werkstatt-Treff Mecklenheide e.V.. The idea seems to origin from the artists Clegg & Guttmann, who realized their first "Open Public Library" in 1991 in Graz (AT). Taken by Norbert Luckhardt, Hannover, DE with a Cannon EOS 5D. This image is licensed under Creative Commons.
I have read Extraordinary Engines The Definitive Steampunk Anthology Edited by Nick Gevers. I do not like this anthology. I did not like most of the stories in this anthology. There were only three which I liked; Steampunch by James Lovegrove, Speed, Speed the Cable by Kage Baker, and Fixing Hanover by Jeff Vandermeer. There was one story which was interesting to read, but I had mixed feelings about it. The title was Machine Maid by Margo Lanagan. There were a total of twelve stories
I wish they had the selection of stories less literary in nature and focused on more popular stories. I did not find James Morrow's story, Lady Witherspoon's Solution to be steampunk, it was more Victorian fantasy. It was not a bad story, it just was not steampunk in my mind. I think a better anthology to read would be Steampunk Edited by Ann Vandermeer and Jeff Vandermeer, I enjoyed this anthology a lot more.
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