So last week I was hanging with my sister. My brother-in-law had taken my nephew to the ER thinking he was having an appendicitis attack. The doctors ran all the tests and they all came back negative so they sent him home. I was hugging all over him, feeling his head and being a good uncle. Two days later he is still sick so they take him to the doctor and he test positive for H1N1...BOTH STRAINS! The doctor said he hasn't seen anyone test positive for both strains. GREAT! Well, a few days later I started feeling bad. I start to wonder If I am really feeling bad or has hypochondria set in. Before you start judging me, I am really not a "sickly" person. As a matter of fact, I have called in sick maybe once during my entire adult working career. I'm not telling you how many years that is(a woman never reveals her age..haha) but it's a long time.
It began Saturday morning...I started feeling a little weak then came the diarrhea and stomach pains. I had heard about a great Anti-viral homeopathic called "Oscillococcinum". I figured it was worth a shot because there aren't any drugs that will help with H1N1. I took the "Oscillococcinum" and within minutes had severe chills and my fever went up. I covered up and slept, and slept some more and continued sleeping. I also kept taking the "Oscillococcinum" and by the next morning I was feeling much better. The fever was gone and so had the weakness...but alas the diarrhea was still with me. Is this H1N1 and I had cut it off b4 it got too bad by taking the antiviral? or did I just have a bad stomach virus? Who knows? I do know, that my nephew has passed it to his dad and one of his brothers. If it was H1N1...go out and buy you some "Oscillococcinum" and take it at the first sign of sickness. It's natural and has no interactions with other medications. Check it out here
Ok, so now the Threesome part. During my weekend of sickness I woke up around 4am and couldn't go back to sleep. I turned on the TV and there was nothing but infomercials on the regular channels. I switched it to Showtime and came across the movie "Threesome". The name had me from the title...I am a perv after all :)

It turned out to be a good movie. It follows a year in three peoples lives...a gay guy, a str8 woman and a str8 guy who is a womanizer. The gay guy has a crush on the str8 guy and the str8 woman has a crush on the gay guy and the str8 guy wants to get it on with the str8 woman. They become great friends and by the end of the school year they have a threesome. There were a couple of scenes that were kinda like soft porn...HOT. Stephen Baldwin was the str8 guy(he was cute in this movie). Josh Charles played the gay guy(I think I have a crush on him now). Laura Flynn Boyle played the str8 woman. After the threesome, things were never the same and the ended up going in different directions.
It made me think of all the friends who have passed through my life. People that you shared a great time and friendship with but for whatever reason are no longer a big part of your life. It makes me sad. These people hold very special places in my heart but I guess we just go in different directions and the friendship just fades. I still have friendships that have lasted for a long, long time. These special people are still in my life and hopefully will be always. It just makes me wonder about all the others that just pass through. Was the friendship just based on conveinance? Or is it that you just grow apart and are really no longer compatible?
Maybe a mixture of both!
Who knows? But I miss them :)
Bob Out
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