Daily Thoughts 7/23/2010
Link to Ebooks In Libraries on Facebook. You have to be logged into Facebook to view this. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/group.php?gid=14473239090
Today has been a quiet steady day. I went and made sure the displays were in order and printed a few more flyers for the adult summer reading program. I also made a few suggestions about ebooks. I finished reading the OCLC report on fundraising. It was quite interesting. It gave me a few ideas. I also am continuting to take the free American Library Association class on advocacy. This also is turning out to be useful. I placed an order for Winning Grants: A How-To-Do-It Manual For Librarians With Multimedia Tutorials And Grant Development Tools
By Pamela H. MacKellar and Stephanie K. Gerding. The authors run the Library Grants Blog http://librarygrants.blogspot.com/2010/07/winning-grants-is-published.html
Link to national library symbol of the United States http://www.ala.org/ala/professionalresources/libfactsheets/large-librarysymbol.jpg
I took a little break from reading and watched Black Sky Winning The X Prize which is a dvd produced by the Discovery Channel. It is about Spaceship One which is the first commercial spaceship to reach the edge of space made by Scaled Composites. I find it to be an inspirational story that I enjoyed watching. It is about pushing past limits.
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