Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sing, My Heart

 Rodin's garden sculpture of Balzac, Musée Rodin, Paris
photo by BillandKent;
Musée Rodin was previously the residence of the sculptor, 
77 rue de Varenne with surrounding garden,
and where Rilke also lived as Rodin's secretary;
Rodin donated the mansion and gardens to France to house his works.

Sing, my heart, the gardens you never walked,
like gardens sealed in glass balls, unreachable.
Sing the waters and roses of Isfahan and Shiraz;
praise them, lush beyond compare.

Swear, my heart, that you will never give them up.
That the figs they ripened ripened for you.
That you could tell by its fragrance
each blossoming branch.

Don't imagine you could ever let them go
once they made the daring choice: to be!
Like a silken thread, you entered the weaving.

Whatever image you take within you deeply,
even for a moment in a lifetime of pain,
see how it reveals the whole — the great tapestry.

Sonnets to Orpheus II, 21

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