Friday, November 11, 2005

Without Faith

Conversation with a good friend at work today centered around how anyone can get through tough times without faith. Her best friend's son was beaten to death at a college in SC by an ignorant oaf, all over a girl. I didn't know what to say. I can't explain it. That is something I look forward to asking about in Heaven.

I think of all the things that populate my life. I am reminded that we can lose those things at any moment. We rented the movie "Robots" tonight.. what a great, entertaining hour and half.. Kids loved it. Tracee and I liked it. The theme in the movie was that anyone can succeed if they truly believe in their purpose, work hard and sacrifice towards it. I think there is a truth there, but not the only truth. Without my faith, my life becomes a means to an insignificant end. With faith, my life becomes a journey full of love, people, emotion, discipline, sacrifice and opportunity.

My list is incomplete, but so is my journey. Every day brings a different list to mind.

I am going to make some music tomorrow. We will prepare for a Christmas concert "experience" with the Hulins. It won't be an accomplishment. It will be an opportunity to raise my voice, be true to my purpose and calling and glorify God. I am excited. Lord, Jesus, Christ, have mercy on me. Bless my offering and make it holy and acceptable to you.

I sing praises to my God.

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