Daily Thoughts 5/19/2009
I walked up to my local library. I am very glad it is still open. I picked up a few books to read, Escape From Hell by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. This story is a sequel to Inferno about a man who escapes from Dante's version of The Inferno. It is a bestseller in the science fiction and fantasy category. The second book which I picked up was The Quality Library A Guide To Staff Driven Improvement, Better Efficiency, and Happier Customers by Sara Laughlin and Ray W. Wilson.
I have started reading Escape From Hell. Quite frankly, I am not finding the setting to my taste. It is interesting, but not quite what I want to read about. The initial meeting between Sylvia Plath and the main character in hell is surprising.
I have also had the chance to read the first chapter of The Quality Library. This book is very eye opening. It has a lot of things in it about library processes which I have not spent much time thinking about. There is worksheet which includes mission, vision, values, measures, inputs, outputs, suppliers, customers, processes and feedback mechanisms for a library. It is very interesting looking at the single filled out sheet for the Pace University Library from April 2004.
I am on my third day of keeping a food diary. I am supposed to write everything down for a week before I can use it to make any analysis of what I am eating with the book Emotional Eating. Writing everything down changes what you are doing. I ate a half a package of salted cashews instead of a whole one.
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