Saturday, October 13, 2007

Small Town Gay Bar...

...I just saw this documentary tonight. It was really really good! Kevin Smith produced it. It was sad, it was funny it makes me happy I live in Cali. It's about two small gay bars in rural Mississippi. Like really small towns! If you watch it, the gays there are so happy to have some place to go, it's like mecca for them. Um, I got like 10 places to go right now if I wanted to kick it with gay people. It kind of took me back to my teens when I was coming out, that feeling of acceptance. Only these people were not teens. Amazing how there are still gays out there who are not out to their friends and parents. That really sounded lame, but I've been in Cali since I was 13, when I came out. If you can, watch's on Netflix. ;-) peace

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