Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Pickens Plan Video, The First Billion is the Hardest

The Pickens Plan Video

I really enjoyed watching this video. I do not agree with some of the premises in the video. T. Boone Pickens stands to gain from the sale of natural gas. I am not sure that it is the ideal fuel to replace gasoline. It is not particularly renewable, even though it is our second largest natural resource. I think there should be much more competition between different fuel sources. The playing field needs to be open and level for all the different types of alternative liquid fuels.

Where I do agree with him is the massive buildout of wind energy. It needs to be done. It would revitalize rural America and create many many "green collar" jobs. The problem I have with this is that T. Boone Pickens is using the same corridor which he plans to sell water rights as he plans to lease windfarms. This could be potentially environmentally destructive. Ultimately, I think the wind part of the project will succeed while the water could be another story.

I also think he does not fully address the solar corridor issue. While wind is an incredible boon, recent advances in solar energy, specifically magnified solar open the possibility of creating solar farms that are equal in cost to coal power plants. This may seem impractical, but I think it ultimately is the future. Right now a number of companies including IBM have the technology in development.

I like his website the Pickens Plan. I don't agree with some aspects of it. However, I think it is refreshing that there is a major oil figure who is willing to step forward and push a solution. He has managed to simplify, directly address, and give part of the solution to American energy problems. Sometimes it is necessary to get the conversation started before anything happens.

I am really enjoying reading The First Billion Is The Hardest by T. Boone Pickens. It is filled with numerous anecdotes and sayings. There are all kinds of stories throughout including the legend of the frog and the scorpion. Mr. Pickens can be quite crude in an entertaining way. There is a lot of deep insight in this book. Even though my personal philosophy doesn't match with his, I find that he has a compelling mix of integrity, entrepreneurship, and ruthlessness that makes him an excellent businessman.

I finished reading the book this afternoon. I am going to write up my review in the laundromat this afternoon.

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