Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Parents - the people that raise you from birth. Parents can come in a multitude of different forms, and nobody's parents are alike. (Even when kids discuss how their parents are ruining their lives.) They're all different.

But let's take a look at a different aspect of parents. People always say that their parents are crazy - controlling who they go out with, when they go out with them, where they go, where they live... But what about a softer version of crazy that's really just a form of showing how outgoing they are. (Or it could be how the child thinks the parents are just embarrassing them. That's another option. I just think the parents are being fun.)


They go to a party and are the couple singing karaoke, horribly off-key but having fun. They go to your baseball game and cheer regardless of whether or not you hit the ball or whether or not you won the game.

But they love you. They might be crazy, but they love you.

Welcome to the world of craziness!!

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