Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New York Anime Festival, Good Morning

Anime DVDs

New York Anime Festival

I think I am going to go to the New York Anime Festival on September 26 with a free professional pass. Librarians get in free on professional day. I think it will be fun to do. Plus, I want to see all the swag. This would be a perfect day to get lots of free giveaways so we can give them to the teenagers during programming. There should also be some manga and martial arts films, I hope.

Hopefully, it should be interesting. I went to New York Comic Con. I think this might be even bigger than New York Comic Con. A lot of the teenagers really like anime. We have an anime club at our library.
I know this seems to have nothing to do with books. However, we also order books on drawing manga and anime. I also have bought some books on how to do cartooning.

Good Morning

I just had my morning coffee. I am waking up a bit.

I spent pretty much the whole day finishing up weeding the business management books. The section ends with the advertising books. At least, I have looked at all the books in the section so I will have a much better idea of what to order. Next, I have to focus on doing the oversize computer books, the oversize business management books, and finally, the social science books. I have lots and lots of weeding to do.

Later this week there should be more items from my orders coming in. Things have been both busy and very predictable.

I have been spending a lot more time lately answering questions at the reference desk. It has been a bit of a vacation season.

Nothing new has come in for me to read. I still have to review a few books. I am a little tired right now.

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