Sunday, May 16, 2010

Picking a genre is like picking a single crayon

At my heart, I'm a non-conformist. Sure, I follow the rules -- but only long enough to get the rule-makers to give me my space. Then it's Watch Out! I color outside the lines. I mix and match my algebraic variables. I ask questions teachers don't want to answer.

Not that I'm a mischief-maker -- I'm not. I'm just... different. (This is probably why I have such a hard time pigeon-holing my work into a genre.)

In publishing, it's easier if your work fits tidily into a box. Mysteries are marketed to demographic A, and romance sells best among women. Horror goes another place entirely -- let's call it demographic C -- and the opposite for sci-fi and fantasy. Each type of work has its own little niche to fill.

Remember I said I color outside the lines? Same thing here.

Don't ask me to pick just one genre. I'm a fan of all of them.


Heather S. Ingemar has loved to play with words since she was little, and it wasn’t long until she started writing her own stories. Termed “a little odd” by her peers, she took great delight in exploring tales with a gothic flair, and to this day, Edgar Allan Poe continues to be her literary hero. To learn more, please visit: or follow her on Twitter:

Buy a story (or two or three): Heather Ingemar in the Echelon Catalog

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