Monday, May 26, 2008

George W. Bush is an idiot...

...and I can say that. I can say, hey...I think the president of the U.S. is a joke and a moron...I can say that. I can disagree with our political leaders, the Senate the Congress all of it...I can say our government is a joke! Now do I really believe all that? Well...definitely the George Bush part! ;) The point I want to make on Memorial Day is that no matter how you feel about the President or any facet of our can express it. You can say you disagree and no one is going to come to your house and arrest you. Nobody will put you in jail for not agreeing with the government and nobody will execute you for not adhering to the rules set forth by the government. I think as Americans we forget how free we really are, I mean think about can be or do or say...anything you want. Hell YOU can be the next President of the United States. How many countries in the world have the same liberties? How many people have been jailed or executed by their own leaders and governments because they didn't agree, because they expressed an opinion? So I just want to take a moment and say whether you are a Republican or a Democrat or a Libertarian, you get to choose and you have options. Whether you like Bush or not, whether you are for the war, against it, don't care...whatever. You have that choice, you have that freedom and so many people don't. So hopefully on Memorial Day Republicans, Democrats, anti-war, pro-war, gay, straight, black, white, old, young, redneck, yuppies, liberal, conservative etc...hopefully for at least one day...for one moment...we can forget all that and pay respect to those who fought, lost their lives, retired or are still active right now in the us the freedom to BE all of the genres I mentioned above. Like it not or not people and bitch all you want about whatever, if it weren't for the soldiers of the United States going back to then and wouldn't have that complain, or yourself. ;) peace

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