Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Student of the month"

Student of the month. I was awarded Student of the month. By who ? Jérémie, my swedish teacher. Never would have thought that, and in front of the whole class ! It´s not like I´m embarassed, it´s just shocking...Jérémie never awards a student with "Student of the month" so I have to admit I am kind of proud of myself =). He can be a tough teacher and gives us a lot of projects, homework and makes us have deeeeep discussions and presentations - and has no mercy in giving us short deadlines...
But it helped me struggle and that´s the great thing about tough, mean (he´s not mean though !) and hard times or studies x) because you are competing with yourself all the time to achieve something you want and that´s the goal. The PROCESS. The process to get through something is the hardest bit and sometimes you don´t get awarded big but it´s still ain´t about the grades or the trophies you get, it´s the journey and the feeling you get inside that matters in the end. Trust me I know because I´ve been through a lot...but I´m fine now, better than ever, happier than ever and I have the ones that I truly love around me all the time. That is my biggest prize x)...

Okay, this was a lot to say about my "award" but I have a lot of things to say about a lot of things...okay, hahaha...

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