Wednesday, October 6, 2010

" にありがとう "

"My phone continued rang all day to gave me messages and prayers from all of you. God, it's the beautiful day. Know there are many people love and care me. You still want to remember my happiness today. One day a truly memorable. Prayer that you give such a new spirit for me to continue to be the best."

Thanks mom who gave me a deep impression for this 18th birthday. Made me sad when I realized in the morning i opened my eyes, mom who usually never missed sending her prayer for me, didn't do it today. No one calls or short messages from her.  Until the day I waiting, no one incoming calls and short message. Sadly when know my mom didn't do that habit today. But as a gift, when I open my facebook and see my mom say like this in her account “Bapa,pencipta dan pemelihara kami, pada hari yg membahagiakan ini ..kami menghadapmu dgn gembira hati. Kami mohon berkatmu untuk putriku tercinta yg pd hari ini berulang tahun. Kami berharap agar kehadirannya menjadi anugrah dan karunia yg tak ternilai bg kami, dan agar kami semakin saling mencinta. Terima kasih bapa Amin. Moved and happy that two feelings that emerged when i read it. Honestly, my tears flows out of control. My mom never forget her little daughter's birthday. Thanks mom for prayer that mom give me today. I promise, i'll give you happiness and pride for you and dad. I'll be the best daughter just for you. *hug and kiss from here mom*

And thanks dad finally you remember my birthday. Even too late to say, but I know your prayer and hope still the best for me. Never mind dad, even you can't say and give prayer openly like mom. But I know you always expect the best from and for me. *hug and kiss from here dad*

Thanks also to my dear aunt's and uncle's for the wall and message to me. Prayers and hope you for my collage and my future. The changes would you see in me. Mature, rigid, strength, and all the wise decisions that will i take for my future. I promise to dedicate my achievements for you too.

Thanks for my handsome brother. For your hope to quickly have a boyfriend, "i hope God heard". So your hope, if you come here later you can have friend to chat and play can be realized. Love you.. :)

Thanks to Any, Inneke, Fella, Tasia and Monik. Thanks for the surprise. Thanks you want make it all for me. (biar pun terbongkar sedikit gara-gara bibi^^)Thanks for your prayers and hope that give me. 

Thanks to all my friends and my best friends. For all of your prayers. Thanks Sagitha you call me “my wise girl” I’m definitely going to be like that. Thanks Rima for your wish about “get boyfriend soon” I also sincerely hope that too. And thanks Mitha for your small surprise, very impressive with your idea about "say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me when the clock  showed 18.00 to indicate my age now" beib. You're the best friend that i ever had.

"Most importantly for today, thanks God for everything. For small surprises and memories that became a beautiful gift for me every year. For each of the prayer that they sent to me. For they care about my future. This happy day actually through without feeling sad and disappointed. I'm through with smile, laugh and happy tears because of the small surprises and prayers that I get from many people who love me."


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