Monday, August 17, 2009

Internet Friends - My Favorites

Don't get me wrong. I like people. No, seriously. I do! People are nice, for the most part, and unless you voice radical political views on Facebook or Twitter or other social networks, I'm happy to be your friend.

Post pictures, front and center, of your doggies, kitty cats or other special friends you hold dear to your hearts, and I'm there! A friend for life.

I've chosen a few of my Facebook "friends." They may not post clever little "tweets" like, "OMG, going for a walk!" (pant, pant) or quizzes like, What is your favorite chew toy, or If you could be famous, would you be: 1. Lassie 2. Eddie 3. Morris the Cat 4. Mr. Ed 5. Jaws

But, their adorable faces say it all.

Come to think of it, I may prefer these friends for just that reason. And, if your favorite friends are "rescues," they're even more special on my page.

If you're interested in rescuing or adopting, here's a list of shelters across the country

'Tween author, Mary Cunningham writes the award-winning series, Cynthia's Attic. Look for Book Four, "The Magician's Castle" DEC 2009 from Quake (Echelon Imprint). While you're waiting, look for the series on Amazon

Mary Cunningham Books

Mary Cunningham Facebook

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